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Yoga for Athletes Summer Series

During this 6 week summer series, your middle or high school athlete will work with Miranda Davis, Master Trainer of PerfectFit Yoga, to improve their flexibility and balance for injury prevention. This is a great addition for those participating in a traditional strength and conditioning program through their local schools. 

Classes will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning June 1st – July 25th. 

Middle school 6th – 8th grade is 12:00 – 1:00 pm. 

High school 9th – 12th grade is 1:00 -2:00 pm. 

Cost: $180

Click here to register today.

**Pre-payment is required to save your space. Spaces are limited to 12 per class.  Deadline to register is May 26, 2023.

**No classes held June 13-15 and July 4-6. 

If you have more questions you can contact Renee New at 817-393-2433.